Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Anne's Kilcock Race Report

Ode to Boot Camp

In Bushy Park late in Spring
A group of us assembled and began to do our thing
Running and pacing and work for the core
We liked it so much we came back for more
The following Monday and 6 Mondays after
We worked very hard amidst pain and laughter

To add to this torture we went to Terenure Pool
Where we giggled and laughed like kids in a school
But we also swam hard and did millions of laps
Guided and encouraged by the Tri-Planet Chaps!

We returned Thursday evenings – what were we like?
As we stood in our helmets and clutched at our bike
We learned about cadence and cycling up hills
Going up Knocklyon was worse than swim drills
We puffed and we panted and grinded our gears
Egged on by our equally exhausted peers

Why did we do it – this mad crazy flock?
Well we were training for a triathlon to be held in Kilcock
On a distant Saturday at the end of May
In the beginning it seemed so very far away
But as the date got nearer there were sure signs of panic
The thought of the canal made some of us manic

We all had got fitter but we still didn’t know
About transitions and wetsuits – would we be too slow?
But Richie and Craig they gave us the tips
They explained it all so we could get to grips
With stripping off wetsuits, and racking our bikes
Using lock laces and oh my God – Yikes!
Remembering our helmets and our race number
Would we hold it together and not fall asunder

‘Don’t worry’ the guys said ‘you will all do well’
They are the experts so I expect they could tell
That it wouldn’t kill us and we were sure to survive
To conquer the course and come out alive!

Well the end of this ditty is not at all gory
In fact we all lived to tell the story
We swam and we ran and we cycled like mad
We cheered on our mates and were ever so glad
That the guys and the gals of this boot camp flock
Conquered the course of the tri in Kilcock
The race didn’t kill us and we sure did survive
We conquered the course and came out alive

So thanks Craig and Richie the Tri Planet men
We enjoyed it so much we want to do it again!!!

John's Kilcock Race Report

Race Report!
A little note to my story..just going to refer to Craig and Rich as ....RICR

The beginning...

As we all floated in the canal (as taught by RICR for open water starts!) the count down began. Before I knew it I was off like the clappers.... until I ran out of steam 100 yards up the canal and got passed out by a couple of swimmers(Brian,Mick I'm looking at you)...suddenly between the mouth full of canal water I was swallowing a voice of training past came back to haunt me (RICR) watch out for the jitters and starting off too fast......Damit!

As I clumsily stumbled out of the water the voice of RICR came back into my head...(actually they were standing behind me encouraging me on) I fumbled to take off my wet suit.. I was like a dog chasing his tail. I couldn't find the string to unzip my wetsuit. After a few embarrassing seconds RICR pointed out that the string was dangling to the from of my suit. After finally fumbling to get the wet suit off (I was a lot better at getting it off in the shower the night before I promise) I was off like a bullet to my bike... well may be not so much like a bullet as more like a 90 year old man with arthritis.

On me bike... so to speak I thought I was doing quite well until I hit the first loop of Kilkock and coming hurtling towards me was Brian like a bat out of hell.... a good few hundred meters ahead of me...well I nearly fell off me bike in shock how far ahead he was. I kept my cool and thought well feck it if I dont catch him I hope he has a great race(luckily I did hehehehe). The sun was shining that hard I felt I had two shadows until I realized Mick the drafter was practically getting a backer off me. For a while I didn't realize who it was and the voice of traning past came to me RICR...'if someone is drafting you tell them to F off' which I promptly did only to a familiar voice shout 'Alrite John'. You know who you are drafter!

The funniest part of my race was on the second lap of the bike and I hear a voice cheering me on and when I look up there was Louise (who was having a great race but still managed to smile for the camera's) cheering me on and waving while still managing not to fall off her own bike. It epitomized the spirit of the 8 weeks with a great group of people.

Right...back to how I beat Brian..... only messing!

The scariest moment that haunted me on the whole way round my run was just as I was starting my run a voice bellowed down from the gods.... 'I'm coming for you John!' WTF went racing through my heat until I realized Brian was hot on me tail.... well I nearly sh..had an accident.

For the whole run I had visions of Brian and Mick passing me out. The fact that both my calf muscles cramped at the very start of the run didn't help. Off I went like the arthritic 90year old man I felt like.

The finish line was sweet.. the sense of achievement was second to none... I was buzzing for two days straight. Bit of a lull now with no training...hurry up guys we need another training course!!

Thanks for a great eight week to everyone. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

Special thanks to Rich & Craig


Lou's Kilcock Race Report

Race Report!
We trained for 8 weeks and 24 training sessions, well maybe a few were missed on the way, and finally it was the big day, Race Day! Time to bring it all together and put into practice everything we had learned from the 2 bald super coaches!
After a Friday night on the couch and a tummy full of pasta, Saturday was upon us. We were off to Kilcock with the bikes loaded and the check list all in check. With the sun splitting the stones and the sunblock applied, registration was the first port of call. We received fancy yellow t-shirts and race numbers and headed off to transition to set up.
Watching the pros get ready beside me, my nerves started to kick in. With everything all set up and my tyres pumped to the max by Anne's helpful hubby, I got into the beautiful tri-suit and went off to the canal.
As we watched the sprint waves swim by I felt sick to my stomach and the murky water of the canal did not appeal. With Craig and Richie there we had our final group meeting and we all climbed into our wetsuits. We were already sweating and we had yet to even start!
Suddenly it was time to get into the water. Craig gave me a final few words of advice "Get into the middle and push it out for the swim!". Thinking to myself "What the hell have I signed up for?" I knew that there was no going back and into the water I went with a splash. It was GAME ON!
Suddenly it was ready, steady go! and off we went. The nerves kicked in and gave me a push and I managed to get into a steady swim, apart from a short detour into the reeds. I was soon scrambling up the ladder and trying to get out of the wetsuit. Finally free, I jogged off to transition and tried to get my breath back.
Into transition I went and into the runners - helmet on - with Richie in my head saying "Never touch your bike until you have your helmet on". Then I realise I hadn't put on my t-shirt! Finally ready, I ran out to the mounting line and scrambled onto the bike! As I headed off down the road I gulped down my drink. I settled into the bike and I soon come across Anne. I gave her a wave and a holler and I continued on the cycle. I spent most of the time on the bike looking out for my fellow bootcampers and Craig and Richie to give them a wave and hear a cheer!
Bike down and now to the run, the bit I have dreaded, and god the sun was burning! Along the canal bank it's really quiet but I kept waiting for Elaine to zoom past me. With one lap down, I was feeling totally drained and started thinking that this was a really, really bad idea, but then the finish line came into view and the tri-planet guys were cheering for me. With a final sprint it's all over and I have finished my first ever triathlon and I'm still smiling!
As we cheered everyone over the finish line and congratulated each other, we all had huge smiles of satisfaction and joy at our own personal achievement. It was a fantastic day and with the constant support from Craig and Richie from day one in Bushy park through to the finish line in Kilcock, it was a day I will never forget.
Thanks for helping me make my goal become a reality and for making it such a fun-filled event.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Swim Camp Time Trial 25th May 2010

Hi there,

Please find below the results from your Time Trial this morning and projected swim times. The image is best viewed if you click on it.

You may want to record these times in your Tri-Planet diary.

Any questions, drop me a line.
